Car insurance, also known as auto insurance or motor insurance is a particular policy that provides protection to your car in case of any damage caused due to unexpected or unfortunate accidents.  India being a highly populous country, car accidents have become a daily scene. No matter how safely you drive your car or how responsibly you manage your vehicle, accidents can happen at any time. If you wish to gain cover for your home, vehicle and property, you can choose a general insurance that provides protection from any natural hazards.

Benefits of car insurance:

    • Covers third party damages involving your vehicle.
    • Compensates vehicle repairing costs due to damage from an accident.
    • Coverage against damages caused from vandalism, theft, fire, etc.
    • Cashless payment systems, you can repair your vehicle form the network garages of your insurer and avail cashless facility.
    • Offers additional discounts on premium as in multi car or multi policy discounts, accident free discounts etc.
    • No Claim Bonus which is offered by auto insurance providers to reduce the cost of premium for each claim free years maintained by policyholders.

How to buy car insurance policy?

One method is through the offline process where you have to research and find out the best insurance provider and walk down to their nearest branch. Then you are required to consult a policy expert and discuss about the features and added benefits involved in the policy. For this method, you will have to manually fill up a registration form. If you meet all the necessary requirements of the policy, your request will be approved. Policy document will reach to your address in 5-7 business days.

Another method is through the online process where you need to research and find out the best insurance company, an aspect that is best done through comparison websites. Talk to you friends and family and find out the best insurance provider you can rely on. You also need to search by yourself about the company’s reputation, track record and customer service standards.

The process of purchasing online car insurance policy is easier than you think. You can get online car insurance quotes in a matter of minutes on purchase of both new policies or renewal of old car insurance policies.

You can

  • purchase or renew vehicle insurance policies online directly from the website of any individual insurers


  • You can also buy auto policies from an insurance broking portal, which, judging from various aspects is the best way to buy or renew motor insurance policies in India. Insurance broking portals present you with a broad ground of choices to pick and select from and guide you thoroughly, so you can avail the best car insurance plan when you buy or renew auto insurance policy online. You can compare motor insurance policy online and thereafter choose a plan as per your requirements.

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